I like to make things happen!

  • 10 Seconds Background Remover Tool with Amazing Result

    10 Seconds Background Remover Tool with Amazing Result

    If you’ve ever tried to remove the background from a photo, you know it can be frustrating. Not only do you have to use a special tool, but you also have to go slowly and carefully—and even then, you might not get the results you want! The background of your photos can make or break…

  • Redirect All Unsecured Traffic to HTTPS – 2 Methods

    Redirect All Unsecured Traffic to HTTPS – 2 Methods

    You should set to redirect all you website unsecured traffic to https. HTTPS is a ranking factor in Google, it can make the difference in ranking positions between two equal sites. Why https is important? Why should you secure your website with SSL certificate? If traffic is coming from Http, eg http://www.example.com or http://example.com, then…

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