Category: How to

  • How to Repair a Bad, Cloudy Unclear LCD Screen of a Calculator Using Aluminum Tape

    How to Repair a Bad, Cloudy Unclear LCD Screen of a Calculator Using Aluminum Tape

    Introduction: Does your calculator’s LCD screen appear discolored, have dark spots, or become difficult to read? While replacing the reflective film might be a more permanent solution, a surprisingly quick DIY fix exists using readily available materials. This guide will show you how to restore clarity to your calculator’s screen using aluminum tape, saving you…

  • How to Stop xmlrpc.php Attacks on Your WordPress Site in 2023

    How to Stop xmlrpc.php Attacks on Your WordPress Site in 2023

    WordPress is a widely used content management system (CMS) that powers millions of websites. However, with its popularity comes a range of security threats. One such threat is the xmlrpc.php attack. In this post, we’ll discuss what xmlrpc.php attacks are and how to prevent them. What is xmlrpc.php? xmlrpc.php is a file in WordPress that…

  • How to Use ChatGPT to Present Data in Table

    How to Use ChatGPT to Present Data in Table

    ChatGPT can be used as a language model, transforming raw data into structured tables. Tables are an ideal way of presenting large amounts of information in a clear and concise format; just ask Google how many people search for them every month! In this post, we will explore how to use ChatGPT’s table function. What…

  • Redirect All Unsecured Traffic to HTTPS – 2 Methods

    Redirect All Unsecured Traffic to HTTPS – 2 Methods

    You should set to redirect all you website unsecured traffic to https. HTTPS is a ranking factor in Google, it can make the difference in ranking positions between two equal sites. Why https is important? Why should you secure your website with SSL certificate? If traffic is coming from Http, eg or, then…